Ancient Therapies
Passed down from Ancient Scriptures
Shad Adhwa Shodhan, Mala Sanskaar, Bhoot Lipi, Yoni-Nabhi-Havan Kund philosophy and practice, Yoga Nidra Sessions, Swar Vigyan (Science of breath, theory and practical), Dhyan & Dharana, Special Kriyas, Kalash Establishment, Devi Pooja procedures and many more things.
Creating a Balanced Healthy Lifestyle
Learning the right mix of Asnas, Pranayam, Mudras which are the basic tools for initiates to balance their energies, refer to the specific scriptures to learn the basic philosophies of the lineage, awaken the Shakti lying inside all of us to attain perfect balance between body and mind. All this with right eating habits goes a long way.
Body & Mind
Holistic Health
The outer practices are to be learnt to graduate to higher inner practices. The outer practices happen in our physical body while inner practices start in our subtle body. This transformation is a must for any serious practitioner to evolve in their Guru guided lineage. While dealing in specific inner practices, guidance of the Guru becomes essential. To have a Guru in body is of great help but doesn’t mean that those who do not have will not achieve. Mother is great, she finds Her own way to bless Her children in myriads of ways.
Common Questions About Nirvana Sage
Frequently Asked Questions

Who is a Sadguru?
A Sadguru is an enlightened person who can make you experience the truth which he himself has experienced.

What does he do?
By clearing the karmas of past lives, he initiates us in the path and teaches us techniques to follow it, so as to attain liberation. (This technique has been discussed in great details in the Puranas by the name of Shad-Adhwa Shodhan i.e. purification of Six impurities of self. Though there are many different procedure set down as per followers of different paths and lineages).

How does one reach a holistic state of overall wellness?
A holistically healthy and well-balanced life can be achieved when an individual is mentally, physically and spiritually balanced. Continual Practice of Yoga, keeping the right company, reading & contemplating on the teachings of scriptures sincerely prepares us for the grace to fall on us. When that happens, faith is generated, one is guided on the right path even in space of pure darkness by unseen hands, like a Mother guiding her own child. What is needed is complete surrender in her affectionate and loving care.

Why should we Believe?
For belief one needs two attributes; 1. Simple Heart, 2. Pure Mind. (like children when their Grandma tells them a story of a ghost, just believing in it, they get so scared that they won’t sit alone at night. Some people have so much faith in their Guru that they believe whatsoever he tells them and some people have 100 % belief in their scriptures).
When on hearing words, its meaning and everything becomes about its subject also becomes clear then only ‘belief’ develops. This development is more in some and less in others. In our country right from childhood, this faith is developed. It is the effect mother, father and Guru on consciousness of the child.
What do we loose if we do not believe? If their is any spiritual value in this belief, the we may also believe that if we do not believe then we will loose something. But belief does not arrive all of a sudden. People, generally, do not come in to this world with belief in God. First they become indifferent to the world, which turns to disbelief later and in the end it turns in to belief.
What we Provide
Our Focus

Neuro Sage
Mind is one of the most powerful instruments. It can achieve anything. A spiritual practitioner hones it to the level that by mere thinking or sankalp things happen for him/ her. To empower the mind one has to achieve purification of five elements, follow the path of truth as advised in our scriptures, remove the distraction by understanding and transcending the illusion. it is said that easiest method is to immediately perform the good deeds whenever opportunity comes and keep on delaying the bad one’s as long as possible. A time will come when all the bad deeds will disappear and only good deeds will be attracted in our lives, indicating inner purity………….

Joining of two or more things together.
As all the sounds of the cosmos fall under the seven suras of music, in the same manner all the movements in the creation come under the yoga, where Asan is only a very small part of it. The word Yog comes from the root world Yuj meaning joining. Thus joining of Atma with Parmatama is the ultimate yoga. Every path in its true sense leads to it, whether we understand it or not. Thus energy should not be wasted in antagonistic activities but spent more prudently in achieving yog of different personalities, life styles, beliefs, faiths, spiritual practices to bring about peace, harmony, love, acceptance in the world where all get opportunity to grow to their fullest.

Methodology and Practice of
Pranic Breath
Pran is the sustaining force of the creation. It is not to be understood as breath which is represent oxygen provided by the atmosphere. If breath was of prime importance none would have perished or died as at present air is abundance. So it means there is something else which is essential for the life and that is the Pran, the chi, the life force. Pran and mind, both are very closely connected to each other. Where one goes other is dragged there too. As most of the people live in mind, so wherever their mind goes, their pran is dragged there. Hence at the last moment in ordinary individual, the pran leaves the body from the point where mind as per its attachment points it to. While in case of a Yogi, it is different. Throughout his life, he practiced to strengthen his Pranic force and made the grip of mind on him feeble. Now he commands the Pran and mind just follows. Thus now, his mind leaves the body from the point where it Pran directs it to. Our body has ten holes. Nine which seem to be open are really closed and one that seems to be closed is really open. This seemingly closed door, the tenth door at the crown is the sole desired exit point for the Yogi. Thus assimilating Pran through various practices is the aim of a yogi.

Enter Within and Open Your
Chakra philosophy has become a very fascinating subject in the modern world both in the East as well as the west. So many organisations and individuals have started teaching that it has become a huge business these days. In our mind it is simply a process of evolution. As per the traditional philosophy these are not physical in nature but subtle. Thus they are not seen normally by ordinary persons, they can not be dissected by surgeons and not easily measured by our modern day instruments of scientists. Some comparisons are drawn with the presence of nerve bundle or ganglion in various parts of our body which control certain physical systems.
First question comes as to the total no of Chakras in the body. Some talk of 4, some of 8, some 6, some 7, some 13 etc. but at least every one them agree to their existence inside. There have been discussion on many main and many minor Chakras. Generally, Seven chakras in the form of Mooladhar, Swadhishthan, Manipur, Anahat, Ajna and Sahasrar are talked of. As per our traditional knowledge, it is felt that these chakras refer to the general evolutionary process of the soul. The first chakra of Mooladhar(Earth element) represents basic amenities of which a born soul will require for its safety Food, Dwelling and Clothes. The second chakra Swadhishthan(Water element) represents dwelling of the self, sperm or ova. Once basic amenities are received one starts thinking of biological needs. All the euro genital area lies under this chakra. The third chakra, Manipur (the city of jewels representing Fire element) is the power centre and place of sanskaras of past life. After achieving basic amenities, biological needs one hankers for power represented by this chakra. Our digestive system comes under it. The fourth chakra is called Anhat(Air element), where sound is generated without striking (an-ahat). After fulfillment of basic amenities, biological needs and power one desires love, which is represented by this chakra in the form of universal love. After this comes the fifth Vishudhi (Space element) Chakra, as the name represents its purity of the space element. Up to it, the duality of the world is realized. This is the last of the five basic element. After this comes Ajna Chakra, two petaled lotus representing duality of self and the Guru. Transcending it one elevates to Sahasrar Chakra of thousand petals, where the duality of the Guru is also left behind and one also merges into the supreme reality and becomes one with it. Even to say one also is not correct as there is nothing else only one reality prevails…………

The Modern Stresses
Yog Nidra
Modern humans are subjected to so many stresses, faced as well as self generated, that it has become extremely difficult to relax in the present environment be it in family life or professional life. In the name of ambition, development, comforts, technology we have lost Humanity. Normal patters of life has so much changed that when one should be sleeping, one is fully awake and when one need to be awake, one is sleeping. Thus affecting the circadian rhythms of our body. They affect our systems, their hormonal secretions causing various diseases like obesity, diabetes, stress, heart problems. Melatonin, a secretion of Pineal gland is essential for relaxation and sleep wake cycles of our body. the normal sleep cycle of 6-8 hours in an individual passes through three different stages till reaches he 4th deep sleep stage which provided rest and rejuvination to body and mind moving into the Delta frequency 0.5-4.0 Hz region from 15-50 Hz Beta to Gamma range while awake. It is during Delta wave pattern time our body releases growth hormones, relaxes all muscles and brain.
Yogis developed a method to hit this area during relaxation and developed a technique called Yoga Nidra. IT takes us quickly through the earlier stages of sleep into the deep sleep state but with full consciousness. Body is totally sleeping while mind remains fully awake. Infact, Yoga Nidra is the practice to transcend the gross body and enter in to the subtle body, from where the real spiritual practices start. It is a practice in which one can experience one’s subtle body. Breath runs in gross body, while Pran runs in the subtle body. Thus the percentage by which one is able to experience the ten pranas in the subtle body, by that very percentage one experiences it. by experiencing the subtle fully, a practitioner can move to the higher realms of it, detaching it from the gross or Par Kaya Pravesh as demonstrated by Adi Shankaracharya during his times of debate with the wife of Mandan Mishra…………

Natural Ayurvedic
Herbal Products
Ayurveda is an ancient medical system which was developed by Dhanwantri, a divine form. Many scriptures like Charak Samhita, Sushruta SAmhita etc were written to support its theories. The main principle of Ayurveda may be represented in its saying ‘ Hit Mit Rit Bhuk’. To the question as to who is the most healthy, it is explained in the above saying that a person who eats right food, less than his hunger and from the rightly earned means never falls sick. This branch of medicine deals with three kinds of humors in our body, namely, Vaat, Pit and kaph, also called three Doshas. It is said that all the diseases are imbalance of these three doshas only. Different natural herbs have been used to bring balance among these three humors in our body.
Many herbs have been thought to help in general well being of our body. In this view, we at Nirvana Sage will also get a few of them manufactured under our banner for the benefit of all………….

Kundlini is the primordial power or Shakti lying in all of us. At the time of creation, the Purusha which was lying in close proximity with Shakti, thought of enjoying. To enjoy one needs more than one, hence Purusha thought of becoming many. Sensing this desire of Purusha, the Shakti moved to create and thus creating Pran, Bindu, Kala. After creating the panch-tanmatra and mahabhoot, it entered the crown of humans to descend downwards dividing it self into many parts establishing in the form of Chakras through the realms of Moon, Sun and Fire and then diving deep into the realm of ignorance in the middle of the Mooladhar Chakra and encircle the Swayambhu lingam there in the form of a baby snake which is holding its tail in its mouth resting on top of the lingam. The practitioner in his/her return journey to the source raises this Kundlini power from the base chakra upwards (Urdhav Retas) towards 7th Sahasrar Chakra utilizing various practices like Shakti jagran and Chalan, Ujjai, Bandhas and specific kriyas according to different methods of carious tantra lineages………………(for details read ‘Matrika Shakti Vilas’ e-book posted on Nirvana Sage Site).

Physical exercise also forms an important part of our daily routine. With more and more use of computers and software, our working style has become limited to our work stations only. We sit in same posture for long duration of time, looking at the computer screen, sitting in the closed unhealthy air conditioned environment of our modern offices, hardly moving out in to the nature and are prone to many kinds of physical and mental diseases. To overcome this we move to the precincts of air conditioned Gym doing similar repetitive exercise, bloating muscles which we consider to be a good indicator of healthy body. In this race of healthy body we hardly gauge our methods, schedules and exercise range performed.
We leave this aspect to most of the times to our gym instructors blindly. But this aspect can also be scientifically studied by us also to find the right mix of exercise, tempo, range and nutrition which fit best as per our requirements. So check various health parameters, methods to improve them and then customize a schedule for yourself. A system for it also given on this site……….

Equanimity, Attunement or Sambhav
Health & Weight Management

Personalized Scents
Astrological Aromas
In this field we will try to find various aromas which are beneficial for us to alleviate different conditions or help us achieve higher states in meditation……

Stress Management
Mental Health
Mental health or behavioral health has become a major subject in the medical field these days. Since most of the people are getting stressed due to any number of reasons, thus it has become very important for us to deal with this modern day disease. Mostly it is a life style disease. With nucleus families, single children, single parents, race for material comforts, forgetting our basis values and swayed by the glamour all around and blindly aping the western world has brought us to the present state. With stress, many diseases like depression, loss of sleep, malfunctioning of endocrine system leading to hormonal imbalance, respiratory disorders, heart problems, bad eating habits have set in. Thus we can say that apart from physical health, mental health is also extremely important. This balance can be kept by keeping and sticking to the core values of own system, respecting the positive values of others, having an open mind and believing in the well-fare of all, from the very inanimate to the most developed animate life organism……….

Yantra, Mantra and
Tantra is word from root word Tanoti, which means expansion. Therefore, its a process of expansion, expansion of the self to embrace the whole. In the modern time the whole system has been so misinterpreted that the real purpose of the spiritual practice is almost lost. The system is generally divided into two main streams, Right hand path and Left hand path. Right hand path is totally based on Yogic method while left hand path is based on feminine aspect usage. Gorakhnath was follower of Right hand method and Machandarnath was the developer of Left hand path.
Whatever outer procedures we may follow at start, in the end its only an inside path. One has to graduate from the outer methods to the inner practices. During the outer path Mantra, Yantra etc. were needed. From the Yantra point of view, during Right hand method, feminine aspect is propitiated in a yantra while in Left hand method Yantra is inside the feminine aspect. Hence we can say that everything turns inward.
Raise the Shakti from the Mooladhaar to embrace its Shiva in the Sahasrar Chakra in the crown, out of their sublime union Nectar issues. This nectar cascades down and the Yogi tastes it on his tongue in Khechari and gets intoxicated in the bliss of divine union loosing his own self in it. Thereby becoming a perfect medium for the Mother Nature to play through.
Any Questions or Health Concerns?
Reach out to Us
Dedication, sincerity and openness to share the knowledge for the welfare of all.
Why People Choose Us

Ancient Practices
Our ancient Rishis worked at length on each and every important subject, wrote them down in the form of great scriptures for all their future children to benefit from those practices in their absence. The sincere and faithful will surely find the way through their teachings even in the modern times.

Experienced Effective Treatment
All our team members deal in natural and ancient practices to heal our mind, body, and soul. The effectiveness of these yogic practices come from the wisdom of our ancient sages.

Ayurvedic Organic Diets
‘Jaisa Ann Vaisa Mann’ meaning that your mind will be as your food is. Hence a lot of stress was based in Indian tradition on vegetarianism and many kinds of food habits for celibates or married ones. Seasonal and local vegetables and fruits were preferred unlike of today when you can get any thing from any part of the world anywhere. Its realized today that the quality of soil is also important to ingest particular attributes in any vegetation. for example certain herbs are best suited for Himalayan region and not for the plains. In plains also, soil of some area may be very good for a particular herb than that of another area……….

Authentic Sources
All the program associates are knowledgeable, passionate and ready to share whatever they know with aspirants. They also had gone through both the outer and inner journeys to realize that THAT lies not outside but inside all of us.

Holistic Wellness
By Holistic Wellness, we mean optimum level of physical and mental health without getting in to any kind of physical and mental conditions. Continuously oozing joy, happiness and love to everyone around and rather be infectious in spreading it around everywhere. People should be inspired by one’s presence to follow the right path. Nature should be so pleased with us that it chooses us to be Her instrument of operation.

Offering Shaktanand's programs and tools to rejuvenate an Individual into a happy, joyous, and healthy life style.
We, at Nirvana Sage, passionately believe in our lifelong commitment to serving all by bringing Wellness to everyone, through our philosophy and retreats.
What People Say
Thank you so much for following your heart and purpose by organizing this great course for us. Thank you for sharing your incredible knowledge and bringing to us so many important aspects of life with so much love.
I will take this forever and you a care and love in my heart.
Carolina Petroni Braz(UK)
Thank you so much for your teaching, being always there for us and sharing your knowledge from your heart. Thank you for this beautiful time. A big gratitude.
Thank you for the opportunity to be a part for this course, for your time and dedication you put in to it. I am really happy to know a person like you so genuinely dedicated to knowledge, practice and sharing. You are a great inspiration in my life. Thanks.
Thank you so much for your good will to share deep knowledge. I am really glad to have met you as a friend, professional, Master, Guru and Yogi. You inspire me! Wish you a long life and success in your desires. Thank you so much once again.
Egly Melro(Brazil)
It is been great to be with you these last two weeks. Thank you for sharing this Tantra knowledge with us. I am very grateful and happy to be a part of the Nirvana Sage family.
Cassia Orlando(Australia)
Our Special Offers
Quality Products
7 Chakras – Special Guided Course on Chakras
Yoga Equipment – To be added to our product profile later.
100% Natural Certified Herbal Products to be added soon
Wellness Formulas-Scientifically calculated & taught in Nirvana Sage Courses
Diet Plans-Incorporated in our Nirvana Sage Courses